Monday, April 7, 2014

New York's response to the hurricane

Hello readers, this is a response to an in-class assignment about my opinion on if New York's response to the hurricane was adequate or inadequate for my English 101 class. I strongly believe New York did a very good job responding to the hurricane in some ways, they warned everyone about it and evacuated people who are in danger out of the area and put them into a safe place until the hurricane was over and they could go back home.New York also did not allow private companies to rebuild everything the way they wanted it to be so they can make a profit from it, in the reading "Blanking the Beach" Klein writes about privatization of sri Lanka after the tsunami(79). which means that they allowed private companies to rebuild after a disaster damaged the area, but the bad thing about this is that they are allowing them to make a profit from the disaster, and that's just sick and disgusting, how can someone with money just come along and attempt to make a profit off of other peoples suffering like this. This is why i'm glad that they did not come in and and build after the damage that hurricane sandy has caused. On the other hand New York failed to help people after the damage was done, many people where left homeless because their homes where destroyed, and the government did not help them rebuild or relocate them to a nearby hotel and pay for it until they can come back home, but they didn't. New York did not do this at all, leaving people to do everything themselves, this is why we need to tax the rich more, if we did we would have enough money to help everyone suffering from this disaster, it's almost like New York shows favoritism towards the rich and does not care about anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Reads fairly well, although you could perhaps organize all this information into two focused paragraphs. Watch the punctuation a bit more, too. Overall good post.
